Webmail Server Settings

There are several shortcuts the Webmail server can perform for you automatically, after you set them here.

Main Options

Mark the Message Read on Delete

If you want all messages in your trash to appear as read, add a check to the box here. If you want unread messages to show as unread in the trash, uncheck the box.

Flag the Message for Deletion Instead of Delete

If you want to add a safety precaution, add a check here. This will flag the messages for deletion, rather than deleting them.

If you do set this, you will then have to use the Compact function to delete the messages and compact the selected folder.

Do Not Show Deleted Messages

If you flag messages for deletion (discussed just above), you can hide them from the list of emails in the folder. Add a check if you want to hide them.

If Moving Messages to Trash Fails, Delete Them

If you move a message to the trash, rather than clicking on the Delete button, the move may fail if the Trash is full. If you add a check to the box here, the message will be deleted from the folder, even if the move fails.

Directly Delete Messages in Junk

By default, any messages in the Junk folder are first moved to the Trash folder when you delete them. You can skip that step and delete them immediately by adding a check to this box.

When you're done, click on Save to save the changes you made to your Server Settings preferences.


Clear Trash on Logout

If you check this box, all emails in the Trash will be deleted when you log out of Webmail.

Compact Inbox on Logout

If you flag emails for deletion, rather than deleting them, you can compact the inbox when you log out of Webmail. Compacting then deletes all those flagged emails.

When you're done, click on Save to save the changes you made to your Server Settings preferences.