Integration Guidelines

Your goal is to achieve the best search engine rankings and maximum traffic.

Put your best foot forward. Review the Integration Guidelines below (and the SBI! Built-in Functions help, coming up) before you start building your pages.

Follow this advice and you will not have to spend extra time later to make them compatible with the Upload Your Own HTML process.

Take your time and read the guidelines carefully to ensure that every page you create uploads flawlessly and works perfectly.

Understand that we cannot troubleshoot HTML errors (i.e., "Why does my page look funny?") or problems with your HTML editor.

We do support any technical glitches with the page-uploading/re-uploading process.

Ask for help at the SBI! Forum dedicated to HTML and CSS...

Ready to begin?

In a nutshell, here are SBI!'s uploading and integration "rules" (detailed instructions will follow)...

Important Note: SBI! Is Not a "Media Server"

You cannot use SBI! media file URLs on other sites. For example, if you want to host a video from SBI! on your WordPress blog or on a non-SBI! website on another host, it will not play. Please host the video on that other host. This includes Flash files uploaded to the support-files folder.

Or use a YouTube, Vimeo or Wistia account to host the video. Or host it on a hosting service dedicated to storing large files, such as Amazon's AWS.

Here are the detailed instructions for duplicating the SBI! site structure on your computer...

Setting Up Your Local Folder Structure

On your computer, create a "root folder" and label it the name of your site (e.g., ""). Now create three other folders inside your root folder...

Upon completion, your folder structure should look like this...

folder setup


If you designed your template in Site Designer, and then downloaded the template package, first create a folder called "sd" (no quotes) inside the root folder. Inside sd, add any of the design images or CSS files that were in the folder than you downloaded. (Create all other folders in the root folder.)

Local Folder Structure Tip

Now let's cover the details for each file type, and where you must place them in your folder structure.

HTML Files

Create and edit all of your HTML files (adding the ".html" extension to each of them) in the root folder. This matches the "root level" where SBI! builds all HTML pages, and where your HTML files go when you upload them.

For example, if you add two HTML files to your site, your folder should now look like this...

folder setup

Using UTF-8 Character Encoding

SBI! uses UTF-8 on all of your pages. For best results, copy the following tag and paste it into the head section of your HTML template if it's not already there...

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

This will ensure that any special characters that you use, like © and ™, will display properly on your pages.

Click here for more information about using UTF-8.


All image files (.gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .webp) must be placed in the image-files folder that you created above.

When correctly inserted into your page, you will be prompted to select and upload these images in Step 3 of the Upload Your Own HTML process.


Yes, you can use images that have already been uploaded into SBI!'s Image Library. Here's how...

SBI! uses a folder named "images" to store all graphics that are uploaded via the Image Library. Therefore, when you create your HTML pages, instead of referencing image-files/myimg1.gif (as explained above), use images/myimg1.gif.

Here's an example tag that references an image in the Image Library...

<img src="images/beachwalking.jpg" alt="Walking on an Anguilla beach" title="Taking a stroll on a long Anguilla beach" width="265" height="150">

Note, however, that you will not be able to view these images if you use the relative reference above. If you want to be able to view the images in your editor, use the absolute (full URL) reference.

Media Files

All media files (.avi, .mov, .mp3, .mpeg, .mpg, .pps, .ppt, .qt, .wav, .wma, .wmv) must be placed in your media-files folder.

When correctly inserted into your page, you will be prompted to select and upload these media files in Step 3 of the Upload Your Own HTML process.


Supporting Files

All supporting files (.css, .flv, .js, .pdf, .txt, .xml, .zip) must be placed in your support-files folder. Like the rest of your files, you should relative-reference your supporting files when coding your HTML page. Do this, and your pages will preview correctly on your computer before you upload them to SBI!'s servers.

Must Read Notice Regarding ZIP Files

If SiteSell receives a documented (proved) complaint that your .zip file contains a virus, your SBI! account will be terminated immediately, with no refund. This applies to you even if you upload a file that you did not create yourself.

To protect yourself, run your virus scanner on any file(s) contained in a .zip file you plan to upload. If the file is clean, then upload it.

When correctly inserted into your page, you will be prompted to select and upload these support files in Step 3 of the Upload Your Own HTML process.

Important Note

If you want to use the SBI! Breadcrumb Trails automated process, you'll need to style the breadcrumbs using the CSS code below. Be sure to customize it to match the look of your site after it adding it to your stylesheet. Then upload the file with Quick Upload It!.

#PageWrapper .BreadcrumbBlock .BreadcrumbTiers {
list-style: none;
margin:30px 0 0;

#PageWrapper .BreadcrumbBlock .BreadcrumbTiers .BreadcrumbItem {
display: inline-block;

#PageWrapper .BreadcrumbBlock .BreadcrumbTiers .BreadcrumbItem + .BreadcrumbItem::before {
padding: 8px;
color: black;
content: ">";

Automatic Tracking of Outbound Links

One of SBI!'s features is built-in tracking for each link that you create that goes off of your site (outbound). SBI! will automatically re-code all of your outgoing links in order to track and report the click-through rate. These stats are reported in the Click Data section of the TrafficCenter in Site Central.

Let's say, for example, that you have an affiliate link to refer visitors to your merchant partner's site at...

<a href="">

You insert the link on this page...

After you upload your referring-page.html file, you'll see that SBI! has added some tracking information to your affiliate link (do a View > Source on your page). It will look like this...

<a href="" onClick="window.location.href='
&'; return false;">

You can now track click-throughs from the origin ("") to the destination ("").

If you do not want SBI! to reformat and track your links, add the following to your link code...

***no_tracking*** and ***/no_tracking***

The format looks like this...

<a href="***no_tracking***
filename.html***/no_tracking***">link text</a>

The added code must be inside the quotation marks.

This extra code tells SBI! not to add tracking code to the link. When the page is built, the added code will disappear, leaving only your original link code.