Using UTF-8 for Uploaded Pages


Upload Your Own HTML Help

Using UTF-8 for Uploaded Pages

Solo Build It! uses UTF-8 character encoding as the default encoding for all sites. If you upload your pages, set your HTML editor to use UTF-8 (see your editor's help for instructions). (See the note below about other encodings as well.)

Each page should include a meta tag that sets the character encoding. Use this tag...

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

Add it to your site's HTML template in your editor, to ensure that you don't forget to add it to every page.

If your content is in another language, check that your HTML editor's character encoding is set to UTF-8. If you use another encoding, you'll need to add that encoding's meta tag to the head section, just after the <title> tag, in each page of your site.

When saving a file in UTF-8, if you're given the option to save with or without BOM (Byte Order Mark), choose to save without BOM.