Upload Your Page

The first section lets you choose navigation and marketing options for your page. You can decide to...

Then you move on to upload the page.

Please Note

When you upload your index.html page, it overwrites the original home page built via BlockBuilder, if you built one.

What if you want to revert to your original one? No problem. Solo Build It! stores it in a database. Here's how to make the switch...

Go to Page Manager in Site Central. Click on the index.html file and select delete. Your BlockBuilder-built home page will replace it.

In the unlikely event that you change your mind once again, click on Upload Your Own HTML Page in Site Central and upload your index.html page.

SBI!'s NavBar displays buttons that link to Tier 2 pages. The horizontal navigation displays menu items that link to the Tier 2 pages. This is where you decide whether to make the page a Tier 2 page by putting it on the NavBar or in the horizontal menu.

If you plan to use custom navigation, still mark it as a Tier 2 page, but don't name it. Marking it as a Tier 2 page gives it a higher priority in the XML sitemap SBI! creates for your site. This tells the engines that this page is more important relative to all the Tier 3 pages on your site.

The content of a Tier 2 page focuses on one of your profitable keywords from your Master Keyword List. It has another defining characteristic, though...

A Tier 2 page is a two-way or "hub" page. It links to and from your home page (Tier 1). It can link to related Tier 3 pages, other Tier 2 pages, and/or an income-generating destination (e.g., a merchant-partner's site).

A Tier 2 is "one click" away from the home page, giving it higher visibility and easier access. A Tier 3 page is two clicks away from the home page.

Directions for Use
  • Add a check to the checkbox to make this a Tier 2 page.
  • Name the button to create a button and add it to the ***NAVBAR*** navigation or create a menu item and add it to the ***NAVBAR orientation=horizontal*** navigation.

To make the page a Tier 2 page, add a check to the checkbox. If you want it to be a Tier 3 page, do not add a check.

Name the button/menu item. If you don't, the button/menu item will not be added to the navigation.

If you don't name the button (and you don't use custom navigation), there will be no way for your visitors to navigate to this page (or its related Tier 3 pages). Once you've named the button, preview it to make sure that the name fits into the space provided.


Add this page to your RSS feed and Blog It! page?

Your next option is whether to add this page to your RSS feed and Blog It! page.

If you're only making minor changes to the page (e.g., adding an image, making a simple format change, etc.), ignore this option. If this is a new page, or you added some valuable content, then you'll want to add it to your feed so that your RSS subscribers know about it, and so that your Blog It! page displays a link to the page.

Directions for Use
  • Add a check to the checkbox if you want this page added to your RSS feed and Blog It!.

Important Note: If you're making minor edits to an existing page file, and want it left in the feed but do not want to update the feed, leave this with a check.

Then remove the checkmark from Update your RSS/Blog It! feed? at the bottom of the upload page.

If you plan to change an existing page to have a "noindex" meta tag, remember to remove it from your RSS feed by removing the check from the RSS feed and Blog It! page checkbox.


Set a breadcrumbs label for this page

By default, Tier 2 breadcrumb text uses the navigation label you gave the page (see the first section, above). You can customize the crumb text (label) by typing or pasting in the text you want to use before uploading the page.

By default, Tier 3 and Tier 4 pages use the page's Specific Keyword for the crumb text. You can customize the crumb text (label) for them as well by typing or pasting in the text you want to use before uploading the page.

Disable Lazy Image Loading on this page?

Directions for Use
  • Add a check to the checkbox if you want to disable lazy image loading for this page.
  • Remove the check if you want to enable lazy loading.

You turned lazy image loading on in the Site Central Preferences Site Optimizations tab (if you didn't, click on the gear icon in the top right of Site Central to access it).

If you don't want the images on a particular page to lazy load, add a check to Disable Lazy Image Loading on this page?

All the images will load with the rest of the page.

Important Note

You can also disable lazy loading on a per-image basis. For any image that you don't want to lazy load, add this to the HTML for the image...


Here's an example... <img src="https://www.yoursite.com/image-files/image.png" data-lazyload="off" alt="alt text">

Disable Lazy Video Loading on this page?

Directions for Use
  • Add a check to the checkbox if you want to disable lazy video loading for this page only.
  • Remove the check if you want to enable lazy loading for this page only.

You turned lazy video loading on in the Site Central Preferences Site Optimizations tab.

If you don't want the videos on a particular page to lazy load, add a check to Disable Lazy Video Loading on this page?

All the videos will load with the rest of the page.

Important Note

You can also disable lazy video loading on a per-video basis. For any video that you don't want to lazy load, add this attribute to the HTML <video> tag or <iframe> tag for the video...


Here's an example...

<video width="320" height="240" controls data-lazyload="off">
<source src="https://www.w3schools.com/tags/movie.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<source src="https://www.w3schools.com/tags/movie.ogg" type="video/ogg">
Your browser does not support the video tag.

Upload Your Page

The uploading process is straightforward...

Directions for Use
  • Click the Browse (Choose File in Safari) button to select the file to upload.
  • Click on Upload Your HTML File to upload the file.

Use the Browse button (Choose File if using Safari) to select the correct HTML file from your hard drive.

You'll see the file name displayed beside the button. Then click on the Upload Your HTML File button.

This uploads the file to the servers, scans it for SBI! Includes, and presents you with an upload success page. If the upload is successful, you'll go to the page that allows you to upload SBI! Includes, images and supporting files.

If there are problems with the uploaded file, you'll see one or more messages with steps to correct the problem(s).

Correct any problems and click on the Go Back & Re-Upload button. Upload the page again. If there are no problems, you'll go to the Includes, images and supporting files upload page.
