Setting Up Your Page Information/Content

Page Information includes the Title, META Keywords and META Description tags. Page Content covers the Headline, Text Links and Body Copy.

How well you set up your Page Information and Page Content could mean the difference between low and high ranks on search engine results pages (SERPs).

When you make it into the coveted Top 10 positions, people start to notice your listings.

And then it's quality relevant content that gets the click from your visitors and compels them to explore your site.

Title Tag

Directions for Use
  • Weave your Specific Keyword into the Page Title at least once, no more than twice.
  • Limit your Page Title to a maximum of 55 characters.

Your Page Title appears at the very top of a browser window. Most humans never see your Title once they're on your page!


Because they tend to first look at the headline of a page, not at the top of the window.

However, the Page Title plays a very important role.

Search engines give special emphasis to these words when ranking for relevance. And when they return search results to searchers, they display your Page Title, exactly the way you write it, as the link to your page.

See how the Page Title for this page on, "Top Cheap Anguilla Hotels and Accommodations," became a link?

Google example

Since your Page Title is the first thing that humans will read in the listings, it must suggest something of value to the readers. It must compel them to click to your page to investigate further. "Top Cheap Anguilla Hotels and Accommodations" does its job well.

The Page Title is also used to create the Open Graph Title tag. The title will appear on a Facebook user's timeline when they Like the page, share it, or comment on it. Other social services also use Open Graph tags, widening your page's reach even more.

The format is always...

<title>Your Page Title</title>

Ensure that the tag is placed between the <head> and </head> tags.


META Keywords Tag

Directions for Use
  • Enter only your Specific Keyword.

Each of your site's pages must focus on one Specific Keyword.

Enter only your Specific Keyword in the Meta Keywords tag.

For the sample page from above, the owner entered this keyword... cheap Anguilla hotels. If you view the page's source code (on your browser's toolbar, select "View" and then "Source"), you'll see this...

<meta name="keywords" content="cheap Anguilla hotels">

The format is always <meta name="keywords" content="Specific Keyword">, as in the example above. Enter your keyword between the quotation marks at the end of the tag. Ensure that the META tag is between the <head> and </head> tags.


META Description Tag

Directions for Use
  • Use your Specific Keyword at least once (but not more than twice).
  • Create a compelling description of your page.
  • Maximum 200 characters, including punctuation and spaces; 150 is better.

Think about your META Description as an advertisement you're writing for your page. But realize that your human visitors will not see it on your site's page.

Search engines often use your META Description tag to create the description in the search results page listing (unless they find some content on the page that will be a better description).

The Description forms the second half of what searchers see in an SE's listings. (Your Page Title forms the first half.)

The Description is also used to create the Open Graph Description tag. The description will appear on a Facebook user's timeline when they Like the page, share it, or comment on it. Other social services also use Open Graph tags, widening your page's reach even more.

So all the rules of good copywriting apply. Compel the reader to click to your page.

Make sure the Description is attractive, without being misleading. A gentle, good-natured tease will do well. Provide a lead-in to some information that your potential visitor can't live without.

But then don't disappoint when they land on your page.

Let's stay with the same sample page, Cheap Anguilla Hotels. Its META Description draws you in... "Some of the resorts on Anguilla offer pretty scary prices. If you're looking for cheap Anguilla hotels, here are the best ones..." This works. After all, who wants to blow all of their vacation budget on accommodation?



Search engines don't seem to weight the Description very heavily in their relevance rankings, so concentrate your writing efforts on "getting the click."

Additional Page-Building Tip

If you do not want a page indexed by the engines, add <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> (also called a NOROBOTS tag) in the <head> section, like this...

<meta name="robots" content="noindex">

When SBI! sees that tag, it will not add the page to the sitemap XML file. And if the engines somehow find the page, they will not spider it. If you do add it, remember not to put the page in your RSS feed.

This is especially useful for a landing page for a newsletter ad, for example. The search engines will not see it as thin content and penalize you.

Headline Strategies

Every page starts with a headline. Your "top-of-the-page" headline is the first thing that humans will read on your web page. Catch the attention of their scanning eyes. Draw your visitors into the rest of your page... and lead them to your links!

Directions for Use
  • Select the headline size, click where you want the headline to be, and type the words. Add any styling and line breaks while typing, or afterwards by selecting the text.
  • If you're hand-coding, enter the applicable HTML tags and type your headline words between the tags.

How do you write a headline?

It's not complicated. Split your META Description contents (which you wrote earlier) in two.

Use the first part (the most important part for the SEs) for the headline. Then use the rest of the Description as the beginning of your Body Copy's opening paragraph (see below).

You may have to re-work the words a bit so that it all "hangs together" well.

An Example From

This Description...

"Anguilla is the most special Caribbean vacation. Here are our most magical, must-do moments captured in these Anguilla photos."

... is chopped up and re-arranged into this headline...

Caribbean Vacation
Magic Moments and
Special Anguilla Photos

This example works on two levels...

1) For human visitors...

The headline is intriguing. The phrase "Magic Moments" suggests extraordinary events. It's short and punchy, which is especially appealing to scanners.

The headline also leads into the opening paragraph of the body copy nicely...

"Anguilla is a magical Caribbean vacation island, in a beautiful sea. Everything that you see and experience is special in its own way."

2) For search engines...

The headline contains the page's Specific Keyword, "caribbean vacation." (This will please Analyze It!.)

Many SEs give more weight to the keywords in your headlines, especially your H1 headline at the top of the page, than to the keywords in your body copy. The engines interpret them as being the most important copy on the page. Only the Page Title is more important.

Some SEs do not use your description in their listings on search results pages. Instead, they use a content snippet from your web page to construct the description in your listing.

That's why it's important to use roughly the same material in your description and your headline/opening paragraph, and to keep your headline as short as possible (without sacrificing the "punch").

Headline Tag Format

Headline tags come in several sizes, from the largest (h1) to the smallest (h6). H4 is usually the same size as your normal text.

You can add styling to headlines by styling them in your CSS file.

You can also align headlines to left, right or center, setting it in the CSS file.

The correct format for an h1 tag is <h1>Your Headline Here</h1>.


Text links belong right in the natural flow of the content, woven seamlessly into paragraphs. That's why they're called "in-context" text links.

Directions for Use
  • Create a link. Add the destination URL, the anchor text, and whether to open in a new window.
  • If you're creating links manually, use the correct link format and double-check that you added the close tag </a>.

Use text links to smoothly direct your visitors to valuable related pages within your site or to lead them to your monetization models.

Wherever possible, do not relegate your income-producing links to a listing at the end of your Tier 2 or 3 page.

Some visitors will assume that a sales pitch is coming next and they will ignore these links (or even worse, exit the site).

Text links also help search engines to deep-spider your site. Make it easier for them to do their job!

Your Tier 2 page links have three goals...

Your Tier 3 page links have four goals...

An Example From

Text Link Format

To link to other sites, you must use absolute URLs. The correct format for a text link to another site is...

<a href="" target="blank">the "anchor text" of the link</a>

When linking to pages in your own site, you want to be able to test the links before you upload the page. To do that, use relative URLs. To link to a page within your own site, the correct format is...

<a href="file-name.html">the "anchor text" of the link</a>


Body Copy Strategies

Your Body Copy is where you "tell your story."

Directions for Use
  • Type your text directly into the window and format it as you go by clicking on buttons to align or style the text, add tables and lists, and add line breaks and horizontal rules to add white space.
  • If you're hand-coding, type your text and add all the styling and alignment tags, along with break and rule tags.

How long should a page be?

Provide the high quality information your visitors seek in a way that respects their time. So, how long should your page be?

Too short or too long pages cause people to exit a site quickly. Make the length "just right" for your target audience. Aim for at least 400 words (we recommend that you write 500-600 per page).

As always, consider both kinds of readers... human and spider.

For your human readers...

Start your body copy strongly, for two reasons...

1) Compel your pre-visitor to click on your search engine listing. A content snippet (and your main headline) will appear in some SE search listings, so it needs to do the job of a good meta Description.

2) Compel your page visitor to continue down the rest of your page to your income-generating links.

OVERdeliver great content. Establish the main benefits of reading this particular page right away. In short, answer the "What's in it for me?" question that every visitor asks when arriving at a new page.

Create an enjoyable reading environment for your visitors... a friendly, informed tone, active verbs, short sentences, no more than 4 or 5 lines per paragraph, etc. (See Make Your Content PREsell! for additional strategies.)

For the Search Engines...

Think like a search engine that's checking for certain "on-page" ranking criteria...

The nearer your Specific Keyword is to the beginning of a page, the higher the SE scores it. So include your Specific Keyword in the opening sentence of your page, if it doesn't read awkwardly to have it there.

Use the Specific Keyword early and a bit more at the top of your content and also in the closing paragraph. Then weave it throughout the rest of your copy.

This "scatter pattern" should look like an hourglass... wider (i.e., more frequent) on the top and bottom, and narrower (less frequent, but still present) in the middle of the page. Keep usage reasonable, though. The SEs look for excessive use of keywords as a sign of "keyword spamming."

A Good General Guideline

Include your Specific Keyword a bit more than "good writing" normally dictates. In other words, look for ways to repeat it slightly more often than you would ordinarily.

Start blending in your General Keywords, too, so that you can score for word combos (i.e., Specific Keyword + General Keyword). Choose General Keywords that a searcher is most likely to associate with your Specific Keyword. And mix in some common synonyms/variations of your Specific Keyword.

Also try changing your approach somewhat from page to page. Experiment with different numbers, frequencies and patterns of keywords until you find what works best.

But stick to the topic of the page. Do not, ever, get off-target. Keep each page focused on material related to your Specific Keyword. Never introduce a second topic to a page -- no mixed messages. Make each page focus purely on its "Specific Keyword topic."

The more you laser-beam on a single topic, the better you'll do with the search engines.

Bottom Line

Always keep the three major roles of your content in mind...

  1. Get the click -- Make it compelling for your visitor to click on links to another page of your site, or, even better, to one of your income-generating opportunities (e.g., merchant-partner, store, sales site).

  2. Get the traffic -- scatter your Specific Keyword, as well as General Keywords and common synonyms, throughout the page, as discussed above.

  3. Lead the search engine spiders through to your Tier 3 pages. Each Tier 2 should have links to 5-15 Tier 3 pages (which feature content related to the Tier 2 topic). The spiders follow these links and put your Tier 3s into their databases.

    This means that your potential visitors can find you for more and more Specific Keywords, which brings you ever more traffic!


After you attract targeted visitors to this page, after you convince them to read more deeply, it's your words that will make or break your success.

Related Pages

You can display a series of pages with related content at the bottom of any page of your site. You'll do that with the code provided below.

You can't use it with a Sitewide Dot, however. If you did that, all the pages of your site would have links to the same related pages.

Add the following code to the end of the text of content pages of your site...

headline="Your Headline"

Creating Categories

Before you (re)build any pages with the Related Pages code on them, go to the Related Pages Library and create one or more categories.

Once you do that, assign all of your already published pages to one of the categories. A page can be in more than one category.

Once you have all of your pages in categories, it's time to add the code above to your pages and upload them again.

Code Changes

Do not remove any of the asterisks (*) or the words RELATED_PAGES. If you change either, the code will not work and no related pages will appear on the page.


If you select one of your categories for the current page, the live page will show related pages from that category. If you do not enter a category in the code (category=""), this page will show only related content from the category you assigned to this page in the Related Pages Library.

Categories must be all one word, which includes hyphenated words.


This tells the system how many related pages to add to the Related Pages section where you add the code. The higher the number, the more pages. Depending on the orientation (discussed next), this could result in a long Related Pages section.


You can have the various links displayed vertically (down the page) or horizontally (across the page, wrapping to a second line if there isn't enough room). On mobile devices, one or two will display per row.

If you select "horizontal," then you must set "thumbnail" (next) to true.


As noted above, if the orientation is horizontal, the only option here is "true" (show thumbnail images). If you set the orientation to vertical, you can display thumbnails (one per related page) or not display them ("false").

headline="Your Headline"

The H2 headline will appear above the first related page in the section (vertical orientation) or the first row of related pages (horizontal).

If your category is about pizza, you might use "More Pages About Pizza" as the headline.

You can choose to have no headline (not recommended) by leaving the headline line empty (headline="").