Text/Image Block

The Text/Image Block is a hybrid block. It's a container that contains both a Text Block and an Image Block. So why use it instead of the two individual blocks?

When you use the Text/Image (T/I) Block and want to wrap text around the image, you'll see the text wrapping around the image, unlike with an Image Block followed by a Text Block.

This makes it much easier to picture the layout of your page as you're putting it together, so there will be less tweaking you have to do after previewing the page.

The Text/Image Block has 6 different options. These include...

Text/Image Block 6 options

Using the Text/Image Block

Directions for Use
  • Drag the Text/Image Block over to the page.
  • Select the content option you want in this block, from the 6 options.
  • In the Text/Image toolbar, select the clearing you want for the image on left and image on right options.
  • Change the image position, if desired.
  • Click anywhere on the dummy text. It will disappear. Paste or type in the text you want in the block. Customize the text using the Text Block options.
  • Click on the image. Customize it via the Image Block options, including changing the image itself.

Click and drag the Text/Image Block to where you want to add the image and/or the text.

An overlay appears, showing the 6 options. Select the one you want, based on your needs at this point in the page. A red outline appears around your selected option.

Click on the Add the Selected Text/Image Format button. If you selected one of the 5 options that include an image, the Image Selector overlay will open.

Select an existing image, then click on Add Selected Image to Page. Or upload a new image, give it a Descriptive Name, then click on Upload to Image Library and Add Image to Page.

The overlay will close. The image and some filler text will display in BB2.

Click on the image to access the Image Block tools to add alt and title text, etc. If you need a reminder on the Image Block tools, click here.

Click on the filler text. It will disappear. Paste or enter the text you want on the page. Use the Text Block tools to add bold, italic, etc. If you need a reminder on the Text Block tools, click here.

Text/Image Block Toolbar

The Text/Image Block toolbar has two options, Clearing and Image Placement.

Text/Image Block toolbar


Text/Image Block toolbar Clearing

Clearing is only necessary for the image on left and image on right options, so that, if you have a large image and not much text, you can ensure that the content of the next block doesn't (or does, if desired) wrap around the image.

The default is both, which ensures that the content in the next block will not wrap around the image. If you want the content to wrap (e.g., a headline), set the clearing to none.

Image Placement

Text/Image Block toolbar Image Placement

This tool lets you change the alignment of the image, instead of deleting the block and adding another one. The current placement (float left, centered (if you select image on top or image on bottom), or float right) has an outline around its indicator button. Click another to select that one. The image will now have that placement.