Page Information/Options

The Page Information/Options section lets you choose navigation and marketing options for your page. You can decide to...

Is This Your Home Page?

Name your home page HTML file as index.html (using the four letter extension with an "l" at the end), and not index.htm (with the three letter extension).

Your home page (Tier 1) should deliver your Valuable PREselling Proposition to your visitor, as well as the critical "What's in it for me?" benefits. (See DAY 6 of the Action Guide for full details.)


When you upload your own index.html page, it overwrites the original home page built via BlockBuilder, if you built one.

What if you want to revert to your original one? No problem. SBI! stores it in a database. Here's how to make the switch...

Go to Page Manager in Site Central. Select the index.html (Uploaded) file and click on the Delete link. Your BlockBuilder-built home page (which does not appear in this list) will replace it. It will then appear in BlockBuilder as index.html (BB2).

In the unlikely event that you change your mind once again, simply click on Upload Your Own HTML Page in Site Central and upload your index.html page.

If you are not using the ***NAVBAR*** or ***NAVBAR orientation=horizontal*** tag, do add a Tier 2 page to your navigation, but don't name the button/menu item. This ensures that the page has a higher sitemap priority than Tier 3 pages have.

SBI!'s NavBar displays buttons that link to Tier 2 pages. The horizontal navigation displays menu items across the top of your page, on or just below the header image.

This option is where you decide whether to make the page a Tier 2 page.

Directions for Use
  • Click on Yes to make this page a Tier 2 page.
  • Enter what the button should say, if you're using the ***NAVBAR*** or ***NAVBAR orientation=horizontal*** tag. If you use custom navigation, leave it blank.
  • Click on Preview to view the text on the button.

The content of a Tier 2 page focuses on one of your profitable keywords from your Master Keyword List. It has another defining characteristic, though...

A Tier 2 page is a two-way or "hub" page. It links to and from your home page (Tier 1). It can link to related Tier 3 pages, other Tier 2 pages, and/or an income-generating destination (e.g., a merchant-partner's site).

In other words...

A Tier 2 is "one click" away from the home page, giving it higher visibility and easier access. A Tier 3 page is two clicks away from the home page.


The process for adding a Tier 2 page to the navigation is simple...

Click on Yes to make this a Tier 2 page. Leaving it as "No" makes it a Tier 3 page.

Next, name the button (or menu item). If you don't, the button/menu item will not be added to the navigation.

If you don't name the button, there will be no way for your visitors to navigate to this page (or its related Tier 3 pages) unless you use custom navigation that you build yourself.

Once you've named the button, preview it to make sure that the name fits into the space provided.


Include This Page in Your RSS Feed and Blog It! Page?

Your next option is whether to add this page to your RSS feed and Blog It! page.

If you're only making minor changes to an existing page (e.g., adding an image, making a simple format change, etc.), ignore this option. If this is a new page, or you have added some valuable content, add it to your feed so that your RSS subscribers know about it, and so that your Blog It! page displays a link to the page.

Directions for Use
  • Click on No if you do not want this page added to your RSS feed and Blog It!.

The default is set to "Yes," so do nothing if you want to add this page to the feed. If you do not wish to add this page, click on "No."

Important Note: If you're making minor edits to an existing page, and want it left in the feed but do not want to update the feed, leave this as "Yes."

Then remove the checkmark from Update your RSS/Blog It! feed?, just above the Build It! button.

If you require more information about RSS, visit the RSS section of TNT HQ for an overview. For more on how RSS/Blog It! works, return to Site Central and click on the RSS/Blog It! button and review the help pages there.