Webmail Add Folder

You can create as many folders as you need to manage your email effectively and efficiently.

Create folders by year, then by month. Or create one for advertisers on your site, and another for affiliate companies. Or combine date-based and purpose-based into a hybrid folder structure.

To add a folder, click on the large + button at the bottom of the Folders column. The Folder properties section will display on the right.


Folder Name

Enter a Folder name.

Parent Folder

Next select the Parent folder for this new folder. (You cannot make a folder a child of the Inbox folder.)

If you're creating a new folder while a lower folder is selected, the new folder will become a child of that active folder (bold text, gray background).

You can also choose a different folder to be the parent by clicking on the menu and selecting the one you want. This also works for folders that already exist.

When you're done, click on Save to save the new folder. Or click on Cancel if you decide not to create the new folder.


You can set each folder you create to show the emails inside it in a regular list mode, or in a threaded mode. The Threads mode pulls all back-and-forth emails under one subject line together into a single thread.

The default is List. Change to Threads if desired.

When you're done, click on Save to save the new folder's setting. Or click on Cancel if you decide not to create the new folder.