Webmail Preferences


Webmail Help

Webmail Preferences

Update your Webmail preferences to suit your needs...

Display Full Message Headers

Enable only if you wish to view server data/routing information for all your incoming emails.

Display HTML Email

Select if you want to be able to view HTML formatting for incoming email.

Do not archive sent messages in the Sent folder

Select this feature only if you do not want to keep a copy of this email in your Sent folder. All sent emails will be immediately deleted.

Sort Messages By:

Choose to sort emails by the option that makes the most sense for your business: Date, Sender or Subject.

Messages Per Page:

Select the number of emails that will be displayed on each page as you view your list.

Show Oldest Messages First:

Select this option to reverse the default viewing option, which displays emails from the newest to oldest.

Your Signature

Enter your sig file here -- it will be added to all outgoing messages.

Once you've set your preferences, click the Update Preferences button to make your changes take effect.