Webmail Compose Message

This is where you create any messages you want to send to others. This includes replying to messages, forwarding messages, and composing new messages.

This same interface is also used to edit existing (but unsent) messages.

There's a spellcheck option, and you can add attachments to your messages before sending them.


If you decide that you do not want to complete a message and either save it or send it, click on the Cancel button. Confirm that you want to discard the message.

You'll be returned to your inbox.


Click on the Send button when you're ready to send your message. If you forgot anything (e.g., a recipient), Webmail will alert you.


If you want to keep an unsent message, click on Save. This will save the message to your Drafts folder. A message in the bottom right corner of the window will confirm that the message was saved.

To send the message, go to the Drafts folder, double-click on the message line, complete your message, then send it.


After you've typed your message, click on the Spell button to spellcheck your message.

Note: your browser may spellcheck automatically for you. If yours is set up to do that, you don't need to also spellcheck with the Webmail tool.


You can attach a file in one of two ways. Click on the Attach button in the button bar at the top, or click on Attach a file in the right column, next to the content of your message.

After you click on either one, an overlay will display (some browsers will also open the file selection dialog box).

Select the file(s) you want to attach to the message. Click the small + button if you want to attach another file.

You can also drag files over to the right column and drop them on the gray arrow.

The file names will appear at the top of the right column, with an icon indicating what type of file will be attached. You can remove a file by clicking on the trash can next to the file name.

When you've selected all the files to attach, click on Upload. To cancel the attachment upload and close the overlay, click on Cancel. Or click on the X in the top right of the overlay to cancel.

The maximum size for an attachment is 2.0 MB. If yours is larger than that, you'll see an error message.


If you delete the signature content while composing a message, click on the Signature button to add the content of the signature back into your email.


In Preferences, you may have created some responses (snippets of text that you can use over and over again in your messages).

If you created any, you'll see them in a box when you click on the Responses button. Select the response you want to add to the message.

You can create a new response (including a signature) from the Compose window. Highlight the text you want to save as a snippet.

Click on Response then Save new response. An overlay will display. Give the response a name and change or add any text. Click Save to save the response.

You can also edit responses. Click on Response then Edit responses. Note: This action takes you out of the Compose window and to the Responses window.


Below the Cancel button is the Contacts column. Click on Personal Addresses to see your list of contacts and groups.

Highlight the contact or group you want to send the message to. Click on To+ at the bottom of the column to add the contact or all group contacts to the To field.

Repeat for any CC or BCC addresses you want to add to the list of recipients. Select the recipients and click on either Cc+ or Bcc+ at the bottom of the column.

Next to the word Contacts are navigation buttons to take you to the first page of contacts, the previous page, the next page and the last page of contacts.

Or search for the group or contact you want by entering the name or part of it in the search box.


If you created more than one email account (address) for your site, you'll find them all listed in the From menu.

Select the one you want to send the message from. If you created Display Names for them, you'll see them in the menu, followed by their email account.

To the right of the menu is a link to Edit Identities. This will take you out of the Compose window and over to the Identities window. Edit the identities and save your changes.

If you're replying to a message, the address the message was sent to is the one used to reply, although you can change it by selecting another one from the menu.

If you're forwarding a message, the address the message was sent to is the one used to forward the message, although you can change it by selecting another one from the menu.

For the recipient (To), double-click on a group to add everyone in the group, or double-click on an individual contact to add just one.

Or highlight more than one, then hold down the Ctrl/Command key while you double-click, to send the message to multiple selected contacts.

Type or paste in the Subject of your email. If you're replying to or forwarding a message, the original subject is pre-entered.

If you set a Reply-To address for an email account in Identities, that option is already populated when you compose a message using that account.

The same happens if you set a Bcc address in Identities. That address is populated already when you compose the message using that account.


There are 5 options. What you see here depends on the Composing Messages settings you changed in your preferences.

Options when composing mail

Editor Type

You can send your message as either an HTML message (it will look like a web page) or a plain text message.

The default menu option is the one you selected in Preferences.


This one is not a preferences setting. All messages are always Normal priority be default. You can change it to the priority you want for a particular message.

Return Receipt

If you set Return receipt to always be requested (we recommend that you not do this), then this box is checked by default.

Uncheck the box to not request notification for a particular message. If you did not make a receipt the default and want one for a particular message, add a check.

Delivery Status Notification

This is another option you might have set in your preferences. If you turned this on in preferences, the box here will be checked.

Uncheck it if you don't want a delivery notification. If was left off in preferences, add a check to the box to request a delivery notification.

Save Sent Message in

New messages are always added to the Sent folder. However, reply messages and forwarded messages can appear in Sent, or in the folder that holds the original message.

The default for both is the Sent folder, unless you changed a preference to have them appear in the original message's folder.


The editor is where you type or paste in the message you'll be sending to recipients.

To use any of the editing tools (bold, italic, font family and color, etc.), highlight the text you want to change, then click on a button or menu until you have the desired effects for your entire message.