Webmail Edit Contact

Contacts move from company to company, from town to city, even to a new country.

Edit their contact information whenever something changes.

At the top of the page, edit the first and last names, if required. Then add or delete a photo of the person or company.

Add extra information about the person or company by clicking on the Add Field... button and selecting the field you want to add.

When you're done, click on Save to save the new or edited contact information. Or click on Cancel if you decide not to save the changes.


You can edit and add email addresses, phone numbers, street addresses, instant messaging (IM) names and website URLs.


Click in the text box to change the email address itself. Click on the menu to select whether it's a home, work or other email address.

To remove an email address, click on the button to the right of the address.

To add another email address, click on the Add field... menu just above the Save button and select Email. Then enter the new email address and select the type of email it is.


Edit the Phone field. Or change the type of phone number it is. Delete the number by clicking on the button next to the text box.

To add another phone number, click on the Add field... menu just above the Save button and select Phone. Then enter the new number and select the type of phone number it is.


Edit any of the Address fields. Or change the type of address. To delete an address, click on the button next to the State/Province field.

To add another address, click on the Add field... menu just above the Save button and select Address. Then enter the new address and select the type of address it is.

IM (Instant Messaging)

Change an instant messaging address by clicking in the text box and making the edit. Or change the type of IM name in the menu. To delete an IM name, click on the button.

To add another IM name, click on the Add field... menu just above the Save button and select IM. Then enter the new IM name and select the type of name it is.


Change a website URL by clicking in the box and making the edit. Or change the type of website in the menu. To delete a URL, click on the button.

To add another website, click on the Add field... menu just above the Save button and select Website. Then enter the new URL and select the type of site it is.

When you're done, click on Save to save the new or edited contact information. Or click on Cancel if you decide not to save the changes.

Personal Information

Click on the Personal information tab to edit any personal information about the contact.

Edit the personal information (gender, birthday, maiden name, anniversary, manager, assistant and spouse if any need to be changed.

Only the maiden name, anniversary, manager, assistant and spouse fields can be deleted by clicking on the button next to them.

When you're done, click on Save to save the new or edited contact information. Or click on Cancel if you decide not to save the changes.


Click on the Notes tab to add extra information not covered in the Properties or Personal Information tabs.

When you're done, click on Save to save the new or edited contact information. Or click on Cancel if you decide not to save the changes.