Increasing Page Priority


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Increasing Page Priority

Want to tell the search engines that one page is more important than other pages at the same level (Tier 2 or Tier 3)?

Do that by increasing the page's priority score in your site's sitemap XML file.

Then, the next time SBI! pings the engines, they'll all know about the page's higher importance.

Of course, you have to back this up with good content or the engines might think you're manipulating them. The rule, as you might have guessed by now, is, as always...

"Keep it real." More on this below. First, though, let's explain how increasing priority works and then how to do it.

Priority in Your Sitemap File

Without "going geeky" on you, your site's sitemap file offers the option (invisible to you) of telling the engines how important a page is.

(The official Sitemaps protocol defines "priority" as "the priority of this URL relative to other URLs on your site").

SBI! sets the default priority scores for your pages like this...

Your home page is your most important. And your Tier 2s are your critical hub pages. Your Tier 3s, all added up, are important. But each Tier 3, on its own, has a lower "priority."

Choose your Tier 2s carefully. You should need no more than 20 Tier 2 links, 25 tops. Your home page sends a strong signal to Google regarding what's important (Tier 3 links back up to Tier 2s reinforce that).

Diluting that importance by more than 25 is counter-productive. The more links from your home page to internal pages of your site, the less important Google views each of them.

If you create more than 25 Tier 2 pages, be aware of this: SBI! considers only the first 30 pages linked to from your home page to be Tier 2s. It considers all other pages as Tier 3s (for purposes of scoring).

How Does a Priority Increase Work?

You can increase the importance of the page in the engine's eyes by increasing the priority level in the sitemap file. When you do this, you increase the priority score by...

You can increase priority a maximum of three times for any page. That means you can fine-tune a Tier 2 to a max of 0.96 and a Tier 3 to a maximum of 0.8.

If you change a page such that its tier changes (i.e., you change a Tier 2 to a Tier 3 or a Tier 3 to a Tier 2), SBI! sets the priority score back to the starting value for the new Tier. And it allows 3 new priority level increases for that page.

When Do You Increase Priority?

The answer...

Only when the page is important.

Which pages are "important"? Simple!...

Your money pages! The ones that monetize!

With that said, here are common reasons to use it...

How Do You Increase Priority?

Directions for Use
  • Add a check to the checkbox next to Increase the priority of this page by one level.
  • If you upload your pages, click on the Priority Build It! button.

After clicking the Build It! button in BlockBuilder, an overlay window opens.

In that window, you'll see a checkbox next to Increase the priority of this page by one level. Add a check if you want to increase the priority.

To increase the level again, edit the page, click on Build It! again, and then add a check to the checkbox again.

If you upload your pages, click on the Priority Build It! button to increase the priority by one level.

To increase it again, click on the page's file name again in Page Manager, select edit, then click on the Priority Build It! button again.

As explained above, SBI! considers only the first 25 links from your home page to be Tier 2s (and all other pages to be Tier 3s).

If you have 100 Tier 2 links, the last 75 will be considered Tier 3s. It's best to consolidate several of them into one larger Tier 2 page.

Note: There's no "magic cut-off" point to the number 25. Follow the tier strategy explained in the Action Guide.

Pick the keywords that are the most natural "major subdivisions" of your site's concept/niche and that also have strong "sub-dividability" (i.e., many natural, related Tier 3s), while also considering the pages' Demand / Supply / Monetizability.

Do that, while keeping the number of Tier 2s to only those that are truly Tier 2s. Too many SBIers, historically, "abuse" Tier 2s, figuring that if they link to 200 pages, Google will rank them all better than if they had chosen 20 Tier 2s, each with 10 Tier 3s...

That is bad site architecture because it makes your site harder to use for visitors and dilutes Google's "internal link juice," making the pages that really are more important less important in Google's algorithm.

Keep it real. Make it usable. Following these basic principles will give you better long-term results.

Principles of Fine-Tuning Priority

This article only covers the "fine-tuning" of priority, in general. Click here for how to handle dropped/"not-yet" pages.

Key point... Do not increase priority levels to fine-tune less important pages. Increase priority only for pages that make a difference. Think of it this way...

As stated above, Google looks at the relative importance of priority. When you tell Google that one page has a higher priority, the others automatically have a slightly lower priority.

And if you try to make Google think all your pages are important, Google will not know which page really is important. By trying to make them all important in Google's eyes, you instead make them all the same!

Bottom line? Keep it real and always support important pages with excellent content.