Webmail Edit Identity



Edit Identity

Each of the email accounts you created (yourname@, info@, contact@, etc.) appears here in the Identities section.

You can edit settings for each individual account. To begin, click on the email account you want to edit.


You can change the Display Name, the Organization, and the Reply-To email address. You can add BCC email addresses, and you can make a particular email address the default.

Note: You cannot edit the email address, since that was created (and is edited) in Spam 'n Virus Blast It!.

Display Name

The Display Name is the name that appears in the list of email addresses that you can send mail from when you're composing a message.

For example, if you have an email address [email protected], rather than show your own name in the list of addresses, you can display "President" instead.

This can help you ensure that you don't send email from the wrong address. It can also remind you of which business function or position is replying to an email.


You can enter your business name, or your site name. Don't use your domain name. If you want to use the words from the domain name, capitalize them and remove any dashes (e.g., convert anguilla-beaches.com to Anguilla Beaches).


You can have a different reply-to address, although it must be an address @yourdomainname.com. You can't have the reply-to address be a Gmail address, for example.

The reply-to address must exist in your list of addresses. In other words, you must create the account in SVBI! before you can use it as a reply-to address.

Reply-to addresses are usually used in newsletters, when you don't want people replying (clicking on the Reply button) to the sending address.


You can always send a copy of emails to a set list of recipients. Enter every email address in this box.

When you send a message, each address will receive the message, but those addresses will not appear in the To section of the email's header information.

Use the Bcc when sending email to a small list of people (e.g., if you have 5 virtual assistants and content providers, but you don't want them all to know about the others).

Address the email to yourself and send it. Each of the Bcc recipients will have the email, and will only see your email address in the To line.

When you compose the message, you'll see the Bcc addresses already entered in the Bcc box.

Set Default

If you send most of your email from one account, make that one the default. Once it's the default, you will not have to select it from the list of email accounts to send from.

You only need to select other, non-default accounts when you don't want to send from the default address.

Note: The first email account you created in SVBI! is the default, "by default."

If you want to make another one the default, first remove the check from the original default account and save the new setting, then add a check to the new default account and click Save.



You can have a different signature at the end of all messages sent from each email account.

If you set the signature to be HTML (discussed next), you can include a link to your site, or a free e-book download page. And add buttons for your social media accounts so that recipients can follow you on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.

You can bold, italicize or underline text, change the font and font size, center the text (or align it to left or right), insert a special character, or change the text color.

If you prefer, you can create the entire signature in HTML. Click on the HTML button. Add all of the text and HTML code between the <pre> and </pre> tags. Then click Update.

HTML Signature

Add a check to this box if you want to have an HTML signature (discussed above). If you want a plain-text signature, uncheck the box (unchecked is the default).

When you're done, click on Save to save the changes you made to the email account's identity.