Value Exchange Keywords

Enter up to 20 keywords or keyword phrases, each separated by a comma (if you have fewer than 20 important keywords, only put that many). For example, if your site is about New York...

New York, Empire State Building, Broadway, 5th Avenue, Central Park, Park Avenue
Madison Avenue, Tribeca, SOHO, Manhattan, Wall Street, Metropolitan Museum
Brooklyn, NYPD, NYC, New York restaurants, New York hotels, New York tourism
New York real estate, New York apartments

(Don't put a comma after the last word.)

This is very important because Value Exchange will match these keywords with those entered by other sites to find your matching sites. So please keep them as relevant as possible.

Special Note: Enter your keywords in order of importance, the most important and specific ones first. The more specific your keywords, the better your matches will be.

It's OK to combine some "general category" keywords with your most important specific keyword, since that helps your potential value-exchanger understand more about your site -- for example, you see "New York restaurants" and "New York real estate" above -- these combine your most important specific keyword ("New York") with general, but related, keywords. Naturally, your site must have related content. Here are some examples of good general words...

acting, advertising, agriculture, airlines, antiques, architecture, art, associations, astrology, attorneys, auctions, automotive, aviation
babies, banking, baseball, basketball, bed and breakfast, beer and ale, bicycling, boating, books, brokerage, business
camping, candy, celebrities, children's products, cities, clocks, clothing, collectibles, coffee, colleges, computers, construction, contests, cooking, crafts
dating, diet, disabilities, doctors
education, elderly care, emergency services, employment, entertainment, environmental, equestrian
family, fashion, fishing, fitness, florists, food, football, free, furniture
games, gardening, genealogy, gifts, government
health care, history, hobbies, home, hotels, humor, hunting
information, insurance, international business, internet marketing and sales, internet resources, internet services
law, libraries, lifestyle, luggage
mp3s, machinery, magazines, mail order, marketing, media, medical, metaphysics, military, missing persons, motorcycles, movies, museums, music
nature, new age, news media, newspapers
parenting, pets, photography, pregnancy, publications
racing, radio, real estate, recreation, relationships, religion, research, restaurants
science, security, services, shopping, singles, small business, soho, software, sports
technology, telecommunications, television, tourism, travel, trucking
venture capital, video
weddings, wrestling, writers