Traffic Statistics

This help is for SBI!'s default traffic reporting tool, Traffic Stats. If you prefer to use Google Analytics (GA), go to Connected Services in the BusinessCenter section of Site Central and connect your site to your GA account. A GA traffic stats will replace the Traffic Stats page, which has its own help file.

Traffic is your lifeblood. You need the means to do some "blood tests" to determine your site's health. That's what this section is for.

Keep this window open as you review your traffic stats. It will guide you through "what means what" and how to interpret the data.

Let's take a look...

Clicking on Traffic Stats in Site Central takes you to a page that summarizes your traffic stats on a month-by-month basis for the current month and the previous 15 months (this allows you to see trends that are at least a year long).

Clicking on any "monthly text link" drills you down to detailed traffic data about your site for that month. Traffic stats are updated overnight (Eastern Time, North America).

To get out of each level of traffic stats, and back to Site Central, click on your browser's Back button.

The key to visitor data is to simplify. Here's what you need to know in order to improve...

1) Summary Stats -- the first level of traffic statistics reports on the most fundamental traffic stats. On a per-month basis, it reports the average number of visits, visitors, and pages viewed per day, as well as the totals for the month. Here's what those terms mean...

By comparing the monthly data, you should be able to see steady growth in your site's overall traffic. If not, the "patient" needs a good dose of traffic-building medicine.

Review DAYs 7 and 8 of the Action Guide for that. This is a good idea even if traffic is building nicely -- you can never have too much traffic!

2) Drill-down Stats -- click on the link for any given month to see the following traffic information...


For the next three categories, the sum of your pages is...

All pages you built + all C2 submission pages + 1 comment-form page for each submission page. If you display comments on a separate page, there will be an additional page for each submission.

Note: Pages are reported as "/page.html." The leading slash ("/") is an abbreviation for...

So "/page.html" means...

If you see only "/," it indicates your home page, or ""

See this forum thread for a discussion about traffic stats...