MailOut Manager -- Acceptable Use Policy
Solo Build It! users are expressly prohibited from sending spam, defined as unsolicited commercial email (UCE) that promotes their business. All complaints will be investigated. SBIers will be required to defend their actions. SBIers found to be engaging in spam lose MailOut Manager privileges.
A single warning may be issued...
i) if there is no evidence that the email was mass-mailed
ii) if the SBIer made no attempt to disguise his/her identity by such means as falsifying an email address,
iii) if the email was uniquely written for the complainant.
All three criteria must be present to receive a "single warning." A second such occurrence, whether from the same complainant or not, will result in termination.
The complainant may be required to provide additional information to assist us with our investigation.
This document may be updated at any time, and future versions render prior versions obsolete.