Upgrade NPI! to Solo Build It!

You originally parked a domain name for one of several good reasons...

Click here for a discussion of the best name-parking strategies.

Now, you're thinking about upgrading a Name Park It! (NPI!) domain name into a full SBI! domain name.

Here's what to do, step-by-step...

1) Purchase Solo Build It! through the regular Order Page. The price is the usual $329.99 because the renewal of your domain name is included in SBI!'s one-year subscription. So your parked domain name will automatically be renewed during this time.

2) Follow the Action Guide through the first 5 DAYs, to be certain that this parked domain name is the best domain name for your current plans. Don't rush...

You'll have this site for a long time. So make sure you have the right name before connecting it with your NPI! domain name. If you find a better name, proceed with SBI! as usual and register that domain name instead. Or...

3) If your research does confirm that your NPI! domain name is the best one for your new site, contact our Support Team through the Support contact form...


Ask them to switch the NPI! domain name to your new (un-named) SBI! order (include the Order Number with your request). And that's it! You're "good to go."

Note: When you switch a domain name from NPI! to SBI!, all redirects that you may have been using will disappear. (Otherwise, it would be impossible to build the site.)