Search Engine HQ

Whenever you build or modify a page, Solo Build It! (SBI!) automatically makes changes to the sitemap XML file. Pinging the search engines with an update of the XML sitemap is always done according to how and how often the engines want updates.

The Submit-Spider-List Report (click on each page's file name in the Page Name column to get this) tells you...

After your page has been submitted, spidered, and listed, the Keyword Ranking Report (on the Search Engine HQ page itself) tells you where your page ranks, at each major engine, for the specific keyword of that page.

To get your most current Submit-Spider-List Report and Keyword Ranking Report, click on the Update It! button that appears in the Keyword Ranking Report column in SE HQ. SBI! will send you an email once the update has been processed.

The Keyword Searches Report (click on each keyword in the Keyword column to get this) tells you...

To get your most current Keyword Searches Report, click on the Update It! button that appears in the Keyword Searches Report column in SE HQ. SBI! will send you an email once it has been processed.