Keyword Searches Report

The Keyword Searches Report will help you identify the keywords that people use at Bing and Yahoo! to find a particular page.

(Unfortunately, Google hides almost all keywords from reporting tools, so this report cannot provide much keyword information from Google.)

If you want to see many of the keywords that people used at Google to visit your site, check Google Search Console's Performance section, Queries tab.

If your page is found in sufficient volume for keywords that are not your Specific Keyword, you know those searchers may not be finding the information they expected.

The solution? Traditional wisdom is that you create a new content page. That's still part of the strategy, but don't stop there. Consolidate those "accidental wins." Your next action steps boil down to this...

Use the "accidental" keywords to improve the pages visitors are finding, and then use those same accidental keywords to write new pages dedicated to those topics.

Step 1 - Re-work and add a bit of content to make your page more relevant for the "accidental" keyword.

Let's say that you have a page about "anguilla hotels" but the page is frequently being found for "anguilla hotel guide."

The odds are you have that keyword on the page (or have each of the words on the page at least once), and you likely have either a paragraph on it or a link with that text in the link (if you don't, add one or both now).

Work that keyword, if feasible, into...

Step 2 - Create a new page about "anguilla hotel guide."

Step 3 - Link the older page to the new page. The internal link makes the original page stronger, too.

Once Google indexes this new page, you'll satisfy the searcher of "anguilla hotel guide" who previously found your general page on "anguilla hotels" but found nothing on guides.

Instead of disappointment and immediate departure (clicking on the Back button to go straight back to Google), you foster engagement and further exploration.

That's it. Don't do it for more than a couple of the highest-volume keywords. Then move on, searching for opportunities like this on other high traffic pages.

The same advice applies... Keep it real. Add value. With this strategy, you're delivering what the Keyword Searches Report is telling you that folks want and you're strengthening a page that "got a little lucky."

The search engine (SE) listings on this Keyword Searches Report page give you an idea of which SEs you're doing well at, and which ones don't seem to score for you. A result like...

Bing (US) found it 7 times.

...means that the United States version of Bing delivered the results. If you see Yahoo! (CA) or Bing (FR), that would mean that you were found, and clicked upon, at to the Canadian version of Yahoo! Search or the French version of Bing.

If you see other abbreviations, and don't understand them, please email Support via the form at...

Please note a helpful function on this page... the Click here to check today's ranking button. This info can be most useful...

Click on the button for each keyword/SE combination on this Keyword Searches Report page. This will pop open a new window that performs this search for you, at that engine, for that particular keyword/keyword phrase.


Then do a quick find right on that page for your domain name (i.e., press Ctrl-F/Command-F, and enter your domain name into the text box).

This will tell you how that particular search is ranking for you, "live." If that keyword is bringing you lots of traffic, you're probably in the top 5-10, maybe even #1.

If you don't find your domain name on that page, click to the next page. Continue as deep as you like, but if you don't find yourself in the Top 30, there's not much point continuing.

Important Note

The results from clicking on these buttons do not match the numbers reported in the Keyword Ranking Report. The ranking report searches for the position of that page based on the page's Specific Keyword.

The buttons in the Keyword Searches Report show you where the page ranks for a search for the keyword associated with that button (i.e., the keyword in bold text on the gray background).

Bottom line?

The more you study this list, the better you'll understand what searchers are doing to find you, and the more ideas you'll have on how to give them pages of information that they're looking for.