301 Redirects Library

The 301 Library allows you to redirect a page of your site to another page of your site.

Why would you want to do that? There are two reasons.

Add Link to Your Redirect Library

Use this tool to add redirects. Each one you add here will appear in the Manage 301 Redirect Links section, below. (All redirects you create when deleting pages from Page Manager will also appear in Manage 301 Redirect Links.)

Directions for Use
  • Type or paste (recommended) the file name of the page to be redirected into the Enter Source URL text box.
  • Type and select the file name for a page on your site, or type/paste the full URL (including http://www. or https://www.) of another site's page, into the Enter Destination URL text box.
  • Type or paste a description into the Enter Description text box.
  • Click on the Add Redirect button to create the redirect link.

Pasting in the URLs is always the best method of adding them. But do ensure that you copy the entire URL, with no spaces before or after the URL.

If you're fixing broken links you found in Google Search Console, copy the entire file name displayed there.

If you want to change a file name, view the existing page, then copy either the full URL or just the file name from the address bar at the top of the browser window.

Type or paste (recommended) the file name into the Source URL text box. If the page still exists, you'll see an overlay with a warning message.

Confirm that you do want the redirect. If you want to redirect a deleted page, you will not see a warning message.

Next, type and select (the system will "type ahead" and find all pages that start with the letters you type in) the file name for a page on your site, or type/paste the full URL (including http://www. or https://www.) of the page on another site, into the Destination URL text box. (The destination is where a visitor will end up if she clicks on a link with the old URL.)

Below is a screenshot of the type ahead display after the letters "bos" are typed into the box.

Type ahead for 301 destination URL

Then add a description for this redirect in the Description text box. Make it descriptive enough that you understand what it's for or where it came from.

For example, you might give a redirect for a broken link you found in Google Search Console the name GSC [file name], where [file name] is the actual file name you pasted into the Source URL box.

For internal redirects, you might list them with Content [file name] for ones you redirect because of minor changes in the content of the page (large rewrites are better off in a new page with no redirect).

Why describe them this way? In the management tool (discussed next), you can sort the redirects by the Description you give them. You can group them into categories if you give related ones a common first word.

Manage 301 Redirect Links

This is where you'll manage all your redirects, including modifying them or deleting them (removing the redirect from one page to another).

Filter Tool

On the right side of the library, there's a text box with a magnifying glass beside it...

Filter tool

As you add letters and/or numbers to the text box, the library manager presents only the redirects that contain that text string. The more characters you add, the fewer redirects will display in the manager, making it easy and fast to locate the redirect you want.

The filter works on both file names (Name) and descriptions (Description). See the Pages section below for more about names and titles.

Redirected Links Manager

Work with your redirects in this section.

The manager tells you the source URL (the first URL) and then the destination URL, which can be either an internal URL or one on another site.

You can sort and filter your redirects using the tools at the top of the list.

You can also use the filter tool (the text box next to the magnifying glass) to quickly reduce the number of redirects you see. Each letter or number you type in the box reduces the number of redirects displayed, until you see only a few, the ones that have the text string in the Name or Description.


Modify, Delete

Click anywhere on a redirect Name (source or destination) or Description to modify or delete the redirect. A small gray menu will open to choose your action...

Modify or Delete


Bulk Delete

You can also bulk delete 301 redirects. To do that, click on a redirect URL that you want to delete. The URL will now have a gray background. Ctrl-click/Command-click on another URL to highlight it. Or use Shift-click to highlight all the URLs from the first click to the cursor's location.

Once two or more URLs are selected, the column headers bar (Select All, None, etc.) will have a gray background. To the far right, a Delete button displays.

Click on the Delete button to delete all the highlighted URLs. An overlay will appear, listing the descriptive name of all the URLs that will be deleted. Click on Delete These 301 Redirects to make the final deletion.


If you created a 301 redirect at the time you deleted a page file in Page Manager, the redirect and the page will both be gone. Be certain that you no longer need the redirect before deleting it.